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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Cry Till All Are Awake Resolutely

Don't cry
If I die , naturally

Don't cry
If, I die , accidentally

Don't cry
If , I'am killed logically

Don't cry
If , I perish , mysteriously

Don't cry
If , I live as dead , silently

Do Cry
When we in me , you and all others die , unnaturally

Do cry
When we in me , you and all others die , accidentally

Do cry
When We in me , you and all others are killed , illogically

Do cry
Whwn we in me , you and all others perish , obviously

Do cry

When  our nation is  dieying  unnaturally

Do cry
When  our nation is being condemned to die , accidentally

Do cry
When our nation lives as dead , silently

Cry , cry , cry
Till all are  awake , resolutely

Wake up , wake up , wake up
If we in me , you and all others are sleeping

Wake up , wake up , wake up
If we in me , you and all others are alive ,  convincingly

Wake up , wake up , wake up
To let Unborn in me , you and all others to born
To resist injustice
To fight for justice
To live & die as human beings
To save our nation in me , you and all others , decidedly

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